Wedotanks.com, LLC (f/k/a HTI Systems, LLC), together with its precaster, ADL Systems, Inc., is introducing a new alternative to private-sector wastewater treatment plant construction tailor made for the developer market.
You, as a developer, may decide to utilize a conventional method of wastewater treatment plant construction where you would hire the permitting, design and construction of your required wastewater treatment plant. Wedotanks.com is equipped to do all of these things; it has worked with permitting in multiple states and is licensed as PE in multiple states.
Private Equity Financing
Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants
WEDOTANKS.COM, LLC, NOW OFFERS 100% FINANCING FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR PROJECTS IN THE US AND CANADA. Approval is based on your credit worthiness, our business partner provides the approval and funds quickly if qualified. Contact us; we would love to hear from you. We are SAM registered; NCEES registered, and carry professional liability insurance to make you safe no matter which wedotanks® product or service you are interested in).
Additionally, wedotanks.com can design/build your plant. Or you can purchase the equipment build and your own tanks with cast-in-place or concrete block. All of this “template” – how much or how little – you want wedotanks.com to do is entirely up to you.
This program is with the full endorsement of wedotanks.com’s precaster, ADL Systems, Inc.
If you want more information on the “build your own wastewater treatment plant” go to Build your own WWTP or call wedotanks.com at 866-374-2083.
Installation by our approved installation contractors near you. http://store.wedotanks.com/software-for-wwtp-design/ to order and get immediate download.