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New licenses (less than $1.00/day) now available for:
Treatment, Optimization & Design (Sasspro®V2) software for Activated Sludge WWTP’s .
90 day – $89.00 180 day – $175.00 1 year – $300.00 Perpetual – $998.00
Go to: to order and get immediate download.
To purchase: Go to
1. Open up program, fill in information about designer, where plant is and any notes in note section |
2. Click on Plant Select any select type of plant you currently have |
3. Click on units and select the units you are planning to use. |
4. Click on “input” and insert values for your particular plant |
5. Click on plant options and click on options now available |
6. Insert values for existing plant |
7. Click on outputs on side bar and click on effluent parameters you would like. The program will only allow so many outputs, if you have too many, go back and delete the ones you don’t care about. |
8. Click on start then Quick Design and insert values for your existing plant –if choose gallons, then put in gallons/hour. EQ-72,000 gpd/24 = 3,000 gallons/hour |
9. Insert values for your current operations |
10. After inserting values, click next and proceed to next screen |
11. at this screen click on diagnostic tests and view results |
12. Since aeration is overpowered, go back to Outputs, click on aeration and adjust for your know conditions. |
13. This screen gives you your effluent from current conditions |
14. Click on reports and now you can print you report based on current conditions. Be sure to save this file under directory and whatever you want to call it. |
15. Start a new simulation and pick say Wurhman. |
16. Go through same procedure for existing plant, input present values for present conditions. |
17. Now the program will give you tank volumes for this process. |
18. Click on diagnostic tests and it will tell you that aeration is now underpowered-because previously in order to get effluent TN below 5.0 mg/l, you have to add a carbon source. Go back into each individual tank volume and change based on the percentage of volume you have available. EG, you started out with 94,379 gallons in aeration. The program put the values for the Wurhman process 74,722. Take the percentage of each tank volume and prorate it to volume you have to work with. EG, aeration is now 71%, Anoxic is 23% and Reaeration is 6%. |
19. After you insert these new tank volumes and increased the aeration, added a carbon source, then click on diagnostic tests and the program will tell you that you have passed all diagnostic tests at a certain sludge age. |
20. Now you can print your report for the new plant configuration and you will know exactly where to put the partitions in the existing plant to convert it to a BNR plant. |
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New Sasspro®V2 software purchase options now available:
90, 180 & 365 day Licenses
To purchase: Go to go our online store.